Bamboo Tube cuts 1 - 1.5" diameter x 12" 2 - 2.5" diameter x 12" 3 - 3.5" diameter x 12"
Bolo type pole 1 - 1.50" x 10 ft
Bamboo Ring cut 1 - 1.5" diameter x 0.5"
Bamboo Ring cut 1.5 - 2" diameter x 0.75"
Bamboo Ring cut 2 - 2.5" diameter x 1"
Bamboo Ring cut 2.5 - 3" diameter x 0.75"
Bamboo Sawali weaving 4 x 8 ft 5 x 8 ft 6 x 8 ft
Bamboos are what the orient are commonly known for. Here in the Philippines there are wide variety of species growing. Demand for this deco material is steadily increasing.
Bamboo Materials
Pacaña St.,Tisa, Cebu City 6000,Cebu,Philippines
Contact. Nos. : (+6332) 340-9820
(+63956) 256-2851
(+63928) 406-0851
Email :
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